Recently, the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) was proposed by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, with the Cabinet approving the plan to improve nationwide connectivity. T he NFCP will require an investment of RM21.6 billion over 5 years (2019-2023). Between RM10 billion to RM11 billion will be provisioned from the Universal Service Provision (USP) Fund, and the rest will be funded commercially . This lead to speculation that certain IT companies would be involved and benefit from this massive project. One of them is Opcom, an ace market stock controlled by Mukhriz Mahatir, the son of our Prime Minister. This adds to the excitement of the counter. Opcom Holdings Bhd is a Malaysian based investment holding company engaged in the manufacturing of fiber optic cables and cable-related products. The business activity of the group is functioned through Manufacturing, Trading and Engineering Services, and Other Operations segment s. It...