Its coming to 2 years PH has come into power, businessmen and analysts are wondering what the future remaining 3 years has in stall for the future economy. Right now, the government seems to be dragging its feet in rejuvenating the economy after the elections. Some of the Ministers are still basking on their own glory and patting themselves on their backs on winning the elections. Some are even not attending meetings and hanging around the administration. In the corporate world, persons such as those would have been fired as soon as possible. Is our leader weak? Surely such action would make the other Ministers to wake up and perform?

Right now, the catalysts to drive the economy is poor and weak. This is evident by the foreign funds leaving and the poor ringgit. The promise of a stronger fiscal policy remained subdue as major projects are continuously delayed and extended. The budget promised some socialistic aspects but I believe that this would be curtailed by the surge in inflation to come. An exercise in futility. This would be seen in 2020 when the fuel subsidies is taken off. Perhaps all the savings in the B40 group would be offset by the hypothetical increase of RM1 per bowl of mee in 2020. Our hole in the budget is also weakened by the decrease level of tax collection and expected oil price. It is said there is a shortfall of RM20 bil in SST collection vs GST and the oil price is supposed to be budgeted at USD70. And yet, the PH government is giving out socialistic benefits without balancing it with an income. Temporary happiness for the Rakyat.

The major projects such as the Bandar Malaysia Project, the immigration IT project, the JB rail, etc has been extended upon extension. Timeline and targets seems meaningless to this government as delays seem to be the norm and they are complacent with it.

Innovative joint ventures or barters to bring in foreign investments or projects seems non existence as mind boggling as can be. The PH government seems more involved in by elections and politics haggling than to concern themselves with the economy. The SPV 2030 seems to be a nice bunch of words with no detail road maps. A college workpaper.

What does the new Malaysia need today?

We need a business driven leader who has the guts to overturn things to get things done by hook or crook. Its must be governed by strong discipline, high precision and innovative new ways. In short, we need a Donald Trump or Durterte. The new Malaysia is sorely in need of rejuvenation through a change of personalities or as in corporate terms change of Managers who can perform. As in the corporate world, there is no point for them to continue existing if they cant performed. Do away with the complacency, we need someone to take the bull by the horns.

Corruption or Incompetence which is more deadly?


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